Tropical Mediterranean Villa

Hamlin, Orlando, Florida

The overall goal for this lakeside Orlando, Florida landscape design was to increase curb appeal and update the backyard area to match the family’s needs and style.

The homeowner expressed a desire to reduce the size and layout of the existing landscape beds. The new design has reduced the size of the bed where applicable. The proposed plant palette is smaller than the existing variety of plants currently at the home. By simplifying the palette, this creates a cohesive common thread that repeats throughout the entire property.

Fencing has been proposed to create a dog run in the side yard. A 12” strip of gravel is proposed at the base of the existing fence for maintenance purposes. A simple row of Flax Lily is proposed along the home foundation for maintenance ease as well as protecting the home from yard equipment.

Additional plantings and understory tree are provided in the side yard bed near the neighbor’s house. A backdrop of Variegated Ginger will grow tall enough to block views to the neighbors house without looking like a hedge row. A decorative planting of Agave and groundcovers provides visual interest and texture in front of the screening.

We have proposed a few palm trees with high clearance to compliment the back landscape bed and tie in with the front design. These will not block the view to the lake but instead will accent it. We have proposed a circular flagstone firepit area that can easily fit 6 Adirondack chairs. The firepit can be wood burning or propane.

Most of the existing plants are to be removed. The only plants proposed to be re-used and transplanted are the row of Ixoras from the front yard. We have proposed those along the side of the pool cage for a pop of color.

This design features mostly tropical plants with some classic landscape plants mixed in to tie into the Mediterranean architecture of the home. Plants such as Foxtail Palm, Shell Ginger, and Bromeliads were used along the façade and throughout the yard to achieve a Tropical Florida aesthetic.

This design will require yearly maintenance but no more than that of similar residences in the area. The plant palette features all Florida Native or Florida Friendly plants that are suitable for our local climate. Irrigation is recommended for the first three growing seasons but the plant palette is considered drought tolerant.