Landscape Architectural Services


Florida Licensed Landscape Services

We provide additional landscape architectural services to commercial and government agencies. As a State of Florida Licensed Landscape Architect Firm, we take pride in all aspects of being a landscape architect. Floravie is interested in developing professional relationships with industry experts and expanding our presence as a highly sought after landscape architecture firm. We enjoy taking on complex projects that involve collaboration and innovative solutions. Our team is honored to work with like-minded creatives and industries that work together to support the design process. Floravie is proficient with the design of public spaces, code compliance, and the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Below is a list of additional landscape architectural services we provide in support of commercial landscape design and architecture.

Services Include:

  • Code compliant landscape design

  • Code compliant irrigation design

  • Signed and Sealed permit documents

  • Construction documents

  • Bid review assistance

  • Nursery visits and maintenance briefing

  • Exterior paint color palettes

Email Kaley Dunlap at for any questions regarding our additional services. Thanks!