Commercial Landscape Design

Commercial properties are an investment - and we understand that. Central Florida is a challenging market and we can help you increase your property value. A landscape master plan includes a cohesive landscape plan along with new or improved hardscape elements. New and improved amenity spaces will attract quality and repeat tenants or customers. A commercial building’s landscape should convey an image, such as soothing, sustainable, healing, fun, professional, or modern and forward-thinking. There are landscape elements that can absolutely convey your brands’ image and feel. Your property has strengths and potential that we will unveil and enhance for your benefit.

Floravie believes in creating long-term relationships with industry-leading professionals. Kaley Dunlap, Owner and Landscape Architect, has led various large projects across the State of Florida with some of Florida’s most sought after landscape architecture firms. If you would like more information about our commercial rates, services, or experience, please feel free to reach out to her directly regarding your project. Thanks!

Contact us to learn more about our commercial services and previous projects.