Florida Friendly Manor

Windermere, Florida

The overall goal is to increase curb appeal and update the outdated landscape to match the family needs and style.


The new driveway is wider than the old concrete driveway by 2’ and shall be a high quality gray concrete paver in random ashlar pattern. The new driveway features an expanded parking area that can accommodate 4 to 5 cars while still allowing circulation around the driveway. A new paver pathway connects the front yard to the existing walkways in the backyard. The parking area near the garage is expanded by 6 feet (towards the golf course) to accommodate more cars. A paver pad is provided to hold the trash and recycling bins and is screened by a hedge. This allows for convenient access without being a visual blemish.


The new fountain (provided by owner) is located on center from the front door. A 36” wide paver band is provided around the fountain for access and visual cohesiveness. The fountain is nestled into a new landscape bed and framed on either side by two additional Triple Foxtail Palms.


The backyard landscape palette has been simplified to reflect the traditional estate architecture of the home. The existing Viburnum hedges are to remain and have been expanded to the rear fence line. New layers of Macho Fern and Coontie are provided to complete the beds. Both of these plants will excel in the shadier conditions of the backyard. A layer of the landscape has been removed to accommodate additional sod areas that will increase the usability and circulation in the backyard. The existing pool deck is lined with single Foxtail Palms to emphasize the view and the architecture.


All of the existing oaks and palms are proposed to remain. The only oak to be removed is the smallest one in the front yard. The Cedar tree and Crape Myrtle in the backyard shall be removed to make room for new palm trees.


This design is a Florida Friendly take on a traditional estate landscape. Strong forms are design into the landscape to complement the architecture and draw visual attention to key elements on the façade. The plant palette chosen works to blend the Florida aesthetic with the formal style of the home using Foxtail Palms, Coontie, and Blue Daze. Seasonal annual beds ensure there will always be a new pop of color.


This design will require yearly maintenance but no more than that of similar residences in the area. The plant palette features all Florida Native or Florida Friendly plants that are suitable for our local climate. Irrigation is recommended for the first three growing seasons but the plant palette is considered drought tolerant.