Florida Butterfly Garden

Longwood, Florida

The overall goal for this Florida native butterfly garden was to update the backyard while maintaining the existing layout and reusing existing plants.

The biggest concern of the client was the overall lack of cohesive design. We proposed a landscape palette that will simplify the patch-work look while still providing visual interest and color. The plants are proposed in larger masses for a visually smooth look. Smaller pockets of color and accent plants are proposed in key areas such as the corners and near the existing bird feeder.

The client created a wonderful habitat for wildlife in their backyard. The plants we proposed will enhance and further contribute to attracting birds, butterflies, and other critters to the backyard. Butterfly Bush and Popcorn Cassia are specific host and nectar plants for a lot of our rare butterflies in Central Florida. Plants like Coontie, Dwarf Firebush, and Dwarf Walter’s Viburnum provide important habitat and shelter for a variety of birds and larger pollinators.

We proposed a water feature to be nestled near the bird feeders within the existing Jasmine. There are a few routes you can take, but we found a simple pot fountain or slightly larger traditional fountain with a basin will be the best options for the yard. A simple power line will need to be installed, however we recommended consulting an irrigation installer. They often deal with fountains and may be able to run both the power and auto-fill water line.

The client expressed interest in providing a unique view in the side yard outside of the pool shower area.We proposed decorative trellises with beautiful flowering Passion Vine to grow up them. Other flowering plants are proposed near the base of the trellises. Passion Vine is an important pollinator plant.

The existing flagstone, gravel, and mulch paths appear to be functioning well for how the client used the yard. We recommended the installers pick up and re-place the stones for a more level path. This can be done easily and without purchasing additional stones but will make the area look new again.

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