Welcome to Our Blog


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Hello to everyone reading this!

Kaley and I are very excited to finally get Floravie off the ground and to begin this new life chapter. We are very passionate about doing things the right way with our full attention and commitment. We came up with the idea of creating our own landscape architecture firm a few months ago and we are finally making it a reality. We have both been busy transitioning between our daily jobs and bringing the Floravie launch plan together but that didn’t stop us. Our plan for this company is to provide affordable residential landscape design and to get more attention in the commercial landscape architecture world. Kaley has designed 100’s of residential spaces and more commercial properties than I can count. She is the most talented landscape architect and person I have ever met, not to mention an incredible artist. Her attention to detail and CAD skills make her a landscape architect superhero. No kidding, she can do code and compliance for hours with a smile on her face, she can riddle off the Latin name of a plant or tree at the drop of a dime. If there was a plant identification and maintenance trivia game I would not stand a chance. This post isn’t just to brag about her but I like to, a lot!

We are extremely excited to bring creative design and tranquility to your home. We treat everyone’s yard as if it’s our own and can’t wait to capture what inspires you and design a space that brings you relaxation, more family time, and overall happiness. Thank you, we look forward to designing your tranquil space.


To learn more about us visit our about page.

Zachary RiceFloravie Design